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Stewards Academy

Sports Day 2023

As always, one of the highlights of the school year was the annual Stewards Academy Sports Day. Even though it didn’t get to take place on it’s original day, the weather was on our side for the re-arranged day. The day ended up being glorious weather, with temperatures extremely high throughout the entire day. This made the performances and dedication of the staff and pupils even more remarkable on the day. Each form group contested in a multitude of events throughout the day including football, tag rugby, netball, Danish longball, tug of war, and track events to earn as many points as they could for the title of Sports Day Champions. The day was an extremely competitive competition throughout with the leaders of the day regularly changing and becoming closer and closer in points as they day drew to a close. You’ll be able to see how close it was in some of the year groups, with the overall winners of the day being Prowess.


Thank you again to all those that helped contribute to the running and success of the day. As always, the day wouldn’t be a success without the positive contributions and teamwork on show at Stewards from all involved. - Miss Venables