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Solutions 4 the Planet - MP Visit

On the 22nd of September, Harlow MP Robert Halfon visited Stewards Academy where he saw two presentations by Year 10 students. The presentations were part of the Solutions 4 The Planet 2023 competition that saw the pupils make it all the way to the national final which was hosted at the Houses of Parliament.


The MP for Harlow met all 9 pupils involved and took part in a question and answer session with both groups. It has been a year long journey and these pupils have been through all stages of the competition. They worked with mentors from Tarmac to create detailed business plans and presentations for their Big Idea to save the planet. Everyone was impressed (they made it to the local news) and this is proof that they not only made these top quality presentations but they were also able to engage with their local MP who is also a minister of state for education. - Miss Danculea