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Stewards Academy

Computer Science

Subject Intent

Computing has an integral part to play in the world we live in. Computing can be considered as the process of utilizing computer technology to complete a task. Computing may involve computer hardware and/or software, but must involve some form of a computer system. Most individuals use some form of computing every day whether they realize it or not. We aim to construct a curriculum that is ambitious and designed to give all learners the knowledge and cultural capacity they need to succeed in life. Pupils have the chance to develop resilience, confidence and independence whilst studying this course.


The main aim of the Computing curriculum is to provide a broad engaging scheme of work that allows pupils to achieve to the best of their ability. We aim to equip pupils with a love for computing and for them to develop their knowledge and understanding of the subject. The curriculum for Computing aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Can use a computer and its basic functions
  • Are competent in the basic use of Microsoft word packages
  • Develop an understanding of how to stay safe online and what services are available to help
  • Acquire a wide vocabulary of key command words in Computing
  • Improve programming skills of pupils so they can further understand the world we live in
  • Provide a broad range of topics in computing so pupils can identify future areas of interest for further study or careers.

Key Stage 3

Brief outline of work being studied by pupils in year 7+8

At KS3 we look to develop pupils understanding of ICT. In year 7, pupils will develop their understanding of how to use a computer and learn some of the science behind how a computer works. In year 8, pupils will deeper their understanding in ICT by developing new skills such as programming.

Year 7 Unit Titles

Year 8 Unit Titles

  • Microsoft Office suite with E-safety
  • The science of computers
  • Introduction to programming and problem solving
  • Programming with Python
  • Introduction to Business Studies
  • The science of computers

Brief description of the departments homework policy for pupils in year 7+8

In year 7 and 8 pupils will receive a homework book consisting of a term’s homework. Homework will be set every 2 weeks on the classcharts platform. Pupils will be expected to complete the homework for the following lesson.

Year 7 Homework Tasks

Year 8 Homework Tasks

  • Software
  • Cyberbullying
  • Social Networking
  • Staying safe online
  • Python - print statements
  • Python – user input
  • Python - variables
  • Python - selection

Key Stage 4

Students follow the AQA GCSE Computing specification. There is a focus on the science of how computers work deepening pupils understanding of the key stage 3 curriculum. The course offers a broad spectrum of theory giving pupils opportunities to find key areas of interest.

Component/unit 1 / unit 2

What is assessed:

  • Computational thinking, problem solving, code tracing and applied computing as well as theoretical knowledge of computer science.

How will it be assessed: This course will be assessed by 2 exams

  • Paper 1 - Written exam set in practically based scenarios: 1 hour 30 minutes, 80 marks, 50% of GCSE
  • Paper 2 -Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes, 80 marks, 50% of GCSE

Programming Project

Pupils will be expected to carry out a programming project on this course. A computer program needs to be produced to solve a given scenario by the exam board. The programming project develops a student's ability to use the knowledge and skills gained through the course. Pupils will produce a written report outlining their findings in their project. Pupils will have 20 hours of timetabled lessons to complete this piece of work.

Please provide a brief description of the departments homework policy for pupils at KS4

Pupils will be provided homework on the classcharts platform every week. Homework may consist of exam questions, independent research, GCSEPOD or theoretical worksheets. Pupils will be expected to attempt all homework or seek help from their teacher if they have any misunderstanding about the work.