Dave Hill Visit
On Thursday 13th October we had a visit from Dave Hill the Executive Director for Children, Schools and Families.
On Thursday 13th October we had a visit from Dave Hill the Executive Director for Children, Schools and Families. 30 members of the School Council were chosen to meet Mr Hill as he takes the opportunity to visit as many of the Essex Schools he oversees as possible. The discussion lasted for an hour and pupils spoke with huge pride about what it is like to be a pupil at Stewards School. At the end of the meeting Mr Hill was so obviously impressed with that he had seen and heard, having initially commented on how immaculate the pupils looked in their school uniform, laden down with badges. He said he “wished he had a magic wand which he could wave over every school in Essex and create Stewards”. He said that pupils were the most articulate and confident group of young people he had ever met and they had such evident pride in their school the like of which he had never seen before.