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Stewards Academy

Stewards Academy

Careers Information and Guidance

At Stewards Academy we believe it is critical that we prepare our pupils for the next stage of their education, that means giving them the right skills and relevant information that they need to make well-informed decisions. Mr Laing is our Careers Leader and Mrs Keys-Kidd is our Careers Administrator at Stewards Academy. They will support pupils through their journey towards leaving school and entering the next stage of their education. Any questions or queries can be submitted by email to Mr Laing at or Mrs C. Keys-Kidd at

Sixth Form Deadlines

College and Sixth Form Application Deadlines will be announced in the Autumn Term, usually mid-late September. We will endeavour to share these with you as soon as we have them.

Sixth Form and College Open Events

It is very important that pupils attend open events as they will give you the very best opportunity to find out what each provider can offer. Dates for these will be shared and updated below.