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Stewards Academy

Stewards Academy

Careers Support We Offer

Enquiries for the Careers team can be submitted by email to or

Support on offer includes:

  • Individual career guidance meeting with an independent Careers Adviser.
  • Delivery of a career education programme.
  • Organised events, guest speakers and Open Day trips.
  • Promotion of career related opportunities such as Year 10 work experience.
  • Career resources such as UNIFROG.
  • "Drop in" sessions.   

What to expect from a Career Guidance Meeting:             

  • A career guidance meeting offers Information, Advice and Guidance, is private, and can be used to discuss post-16 plans and education.
  • Common subjects in guidance meetings are. ‘How can I start to make some plans?’  'I’m not sure what jobs I’d be good at', 'Should I look at A Levels or BTECS?'.
  • A guidance meeting will give ‘time out’ to explore options, look at things objectively and think about the implications of any decision.
  • Students are requested to come along with any questions and to talk about the things that may be concerning them.
  • The aim is to make the picture clearer and to enable planning for the next steps.

The Government has raised the participation age (RPA) so that all young people in England are now required to continue in education or training until at least their 18th birthday.

Drop In Careers Support - Every Wednesday and Thursday Break and Lunchtimes

Are you looking for advice on post-16 options? Do you need guidance on apprenticeship, Sixth Form or College applications? Our Careers Adviser Claire Hurst is in her office every Wednesday and Thursday conducting 1-1 careers guidance meetings and is happy for you to pop in to see her during break and lunchtimes. All year 11 students will have a meeting with Claire, but if you feel like you need a meeting soon, please contact Mrs Keys-Kidd who will do her best to arrange this for you:

@unifrog | Linktree

Greater Essex Careers Hub (GreaterEssexCareersHub) profile | Padlet