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Stewards Academy

Stewards Academy

Careers Strategy and Policy


A stable Careers Programme

  • Access to high quality, independent, unbiased information, advice and guidance about their future study choices and career opportunities.
  • Timely advice and support that is tailored to their individual needs, and relevant to key decision points throughout their learning journey at this school.
  • Learning that challenges stereotypical thinking and supports every student to aim as high as they can.
  • Focus on how curriculum teaching is linked to future opportunities in learning and career. In particular, there is an emphasis on how science, technology, engineering, art and maths (STEAM) subjects are relevant to a wide range of rewarding careers.
  • Multiple, meaningful opportunities to learn from employers about how to be successful in the world of work.
  • Opportunities to experience the real world of work through work experience / visits to workplaces.
  • Information and experiences that inform them about all learning options by 14, 16, and 18 plus, including further and higher education as well as opportunities to find out about apprenticeships and technical education qualifications.
  • Opportunities for guidance interviews with the school’s qualified careers adviser.
  • We use Compass and Unifrog to monitor our careers programme. We have implemented the Gatsby Benchmarks through Ethic and Values Lessons and launch of Unifrog across all year groups as well as wider curriculum learning opportunities. We offer a drop-in careers service for all pupils to ask questions and for years 10 and 11 to book a Careers Guidance Meeting. Reasonable adjustments will be made to the careers programme to take account of pupils with additional needs. Every student in our school is entitled to participate fully in the careers programme.

Managing the careers programme

Stewards Academy is committed to effective management of the careers programme. While staff contribute to the careers learning of students, the following key roles are included for clarity.

We will meet the training needs that arise from the delivery of our careers programme through our SmartMeet meetings and regular correspondence with staff via email and The SLT member responsible for Careers will monitor and respond to requests for appropriate training in a timely manner.

We have an independent careers advisor in school 2 days per week who is fully qualified to Level 7 whom pupils can access one to one Careers Guidance from.

Funding for the careers programme is allocated in the school budget and will be at a level that ensures that the programme is resourced adequately.

Evaluating the impact of the careers programme

Our students will follow a careers programme that is regularly monitored, reviewed and evaluated. We will report on an annual cycle of review and evaluation.