Subject Intent
History is essential for providing the link between the past and the present. It provides the answer to how people and societies behave. It develops understanding of the human experience from an individual’s story to a whole society’s experience such as the British population during the Second World War. A high-quality History curriculum is one where pupils are able to study a range of societies from Britain and abroad and develop an understanding of change and continuity in both. It is an essential discipline for developing skills in analysis, evaluation and communication. History provides us all with the opportunity to develop empathy and be better informed of the world around us.
The aim of history is to provide students with the opportunity to develop skills in the key concepts of change and continuity, cause and consequence and explaining historical significance. The History curriculum ensures that all pupils:
- Recognise change and continuity throughout time.
- Gain an understanding of the historical significance of certain events and individuals.
- Widen their knowledge of societies in the past both in Britain and abroad.
- Develop analytical skills in essay writing and when working with sources.
- Construct arguments and take part in discussion.
- Develop critical thinking
History is essential for providing the link between the past and the present. It provides the answer to how people and societies behave. It develops understanding of the human experience from an individual’s story to a whole society’s experience such as the British population during the Second World War. A high-quality History curriculum is one where pupils are able to study a range of societies from Britain and abroad and develop an understanding of change and continuity in both. It is an essential discipline for developing skills in analysis, evaluation, and communication. History provides us all with the opportunity to develop empathy and be better informed of the world around us.
Key Stage 3
In Year 7, pupils study the history of Britain in the last 900 years. From the Norman invasion in 1066 to the massive changes brought by the Industrial Revolution.
In Year 8, pupils focus on the 20th century and the two world wars in particular. In our First World War studies pupils study key battles such as the Somme and key individuals such as Haig. In the Spring term, pupils focus on the importance of the Suffragettes then the rise of the Nazi party. We finish the year with significant events of the Second World War such as Dunkirk, Stalingrad and D-Day.
In Year 9, students start off by looking at conflicts in the 20th Century, that have been created due to political ideas, such as communism. After this, students move on to looking at China in the 19th and 20th Century, and students finish off their KS3 studies by looking at the recent History of the Middle East.
Pupils will learn key historical skills such as recognising change and continuity, analysing sources and explain the causes and consequences of historical events.
Year 7 Unit Titles |
Year 8 Unit Titles |
Year 9 Unit Titles |
Homework policy for pupils in Year 7, 8 and 9
Pupils have knowledge organisers for each topic and are expected to use these to revise for tests in class every fortnight.
Pupils have regular assessments in History and are expected to complete research, and revise, to support their in-class completion of their Assessment.
Pupils are also expected to complete an extended project for History when this is set towards the end of the year.
Key Stage 4
Pupils follow the Edexcel GCSE History course in which they complete four topics. Pupils study 750 years of history from Medieval Warfare to the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Pupils will cover the following historical skills:
- Recognising change and continuity
- Analysing sources
- Explaining cause and consequence
- Evaluating historical interpretations
Paper 1 Warfare Through Time 1250-Present | |
Paper 1 is the study of Warfare through time c1250-present. Pupils will study the main battles that England was involved in during the Medieval and Early Modern periods. They will recognise change and continuity in the nature and experience of warfare. Key battles in this unit are Falkirk 1298, Agincourt 1415 and Naseby 1645. From the 18th to 21st century, the pupils study the development of Britain and its military. From the Napoleonic wars to the First World War and then the modern conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan. Finally, pupils study the historic environment of London and the Second World War. How will it be assessed:
Paper 2 | |
Paper 2 has two sections. The first section is a study of Superpower relations and the Cold War 1941-91. Pupils will study the USA and USSR and their role in creating the post war world. Other interesting topics are The Cuban Missile Crisis 1962, The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 1979 and The fall of the Berlin Wall 1989. The second section of Paper 2 is Henry VIII and his ministers 1509-1540. In this British topic pupils will study the reign of Henry and the role of his two chief ministers Thomas Wolsey and Thomas Cromwell. How will it be assessed:
Paper 3 | |
Paper 3 is a Modern Depth Study of the USA 1954-75. Firstly, pupils study the civil rights movement in the USA. From the emergence of Martin Luther King to Black Power pupils study the story of how civil rights activists tackled racism and segregation. Once pupils have completed their study of the civil rights movement they focus on the Vietnam war. Pupils study the decisions of Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon over Vietnam. How will it be assessed:
Homework policy for pupils in Year 10 and 11
Pupils will receive a Knowledge Organiser, that contains revision questions. They are expected to, using their notes, fill in the information that is missing, by answering questions in three separate columns. They complete a column a fortnight.
Pupils will also be asked to complete, and/or finish, practice exam questions
Pupils will have regular assessments and are expected to complete research, and revise, to support their in-class completion of their Assessment.