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Stewards Academy


Subject Intent

We aspire for our students to be proactive and prepared for their Performing Arts journey. They are able to take risks with their learning because they feel secure and valued. Our students will be independent learners, able to work collaboratively with others and be self-motivated. To work creatively and recognise how composition ideas are culturally shaped by the contributions from contextual links studied, encouraging students to reflect, develop and evaluate the skills and knowledge acquired along the way. We want all our students to be respectful of others and strive towards the exceptional.


The Music Department aims to encourage students to make and appreciate music of a high standard, enjoying both the process and the product. In this way, we hope that students develop a life-long love for music as listeners and perhaps performers, too, and feel that they can access music as they wish throughout their lives.

The music programme aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • make music with others on a regular basis
  • understand practice techniques that produce optimum results
  • compose music
  • understand and write, basic musical notation
  • use appropriate language to describe the music they hear
  • are exposed to, and respect a rich variety of music
  • are aware of the musical offerings in and outside of school
  • know how to use music to enrich their lives as children and adults