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Stewards Academy


Subject Intent

The solutions to many of life’s problems have been a direct result of mathematical advances which have developed all around the world over centuries. It is a universal language that is creative and ingenious in the way it builds upon reasoning and logical thinking. It is the backbone to science, technology and engineering and vital for most careers and financial literacy. High quality mathematical education develops an understanding of the universe and allows us to be in awe of the beauty all around us. Mathematics gives us a great sense of enjoyment by exploring our curiosity.


The aims of teaching and learning mathematics are to encourage and enable students to:

  • Understand and be able to use the language, symbols and notation of mathematics
  • Recognise that mathematics permeates the world around us
  • Appreciate the usefulness, power and beauty of mathematics
  • Enjoy mathematics and develop resilience when solving problems
  • Develop mathematical curiosity and use inductive and deductive reasoning when solving problems
  • Become confident in using mathematics to analyse and solve problems both in school and in real-life situations
  • Develop abstract, logical and critical thinking and the ability to reflect critically upon their work and the work of others
  • Appreciate the international dimension of mathematics and its multicultural and historical perspectives.
  • Develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts
  • Reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences and draw conclusions
  • Comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context.

Key Stage 3

Stewards Maths Curriculum at KS3

At Stewards, we follow the MyMaths scheme of learning throughout KS3.  This is matched to the National Curriculum to ensure that all students have the knowledge and understanding of Maths required to make the transition to KS4 and their GCSE syllabus. 

The road maps show the learning journey through the Key Stage starting in Year 7, working through Year 8 and ending with Year 9.  The Scheme is designed so all students are introduced to all the basic concepts of Number, Algebra, Geometry, Ratio & Proportion, Statistics and Probability during Year 7.  Each subject is then developed over the subsequent two years, so the students are continually revisiting topics at a higher level to help consolidate what they have learnt and build new knowledge and understanding.

Each year is divided into eight units of work comprising of two chapters in each.  The students have Knowledge Organisers to support their learning during each unit and will be set weekly homework tasks using the MyMaths online platform.  This aims to develop their independent learning skills and consolidate what they have learnt in lessons that week.  At the end of each unit, the students will sit an End of Unit Assessment to show them how much new knowledge they have obtained and highlight any topics they are struggling with.  In addition, the scheme is divided into 3 strands to allow all students to access the curriculum, make progress and feel successful.   

Please have a look at the 'Big Picture' links below for more details for each year group.

Key Stage 4

Stewards Maths Curriculum at KS4

KS4 follows on from the MyMaths Curriculum using the Oxford University Press Scheme of Learning which is based on the AQA Exam Syllabus.  This is also matched to the National Curriculum Aims and Principles for KS4 and is design to develop the student ability to reason mathematically and problem solve along with building their fluency in the subject, so they are fully prepared to sit their GCSE examination at the end of Year 11.   

The Scheme is split into Foundation and Higher Tiers to allow all students to access the curriculum at their level.  The Road Maps show the journey through each tier from Year 10 to Year 11 and students will develop their understanding of all topics in the six curriculum areas: Number, Algebra, Geometry, Ratio & Proportion, Statistics and Probability.   During lessons, student will also have the chance to practice exam questions to help their understanding of the language of maths and build their exam technique.    Homework is set weekly to encourage independent practice and consolidation of knowledge learnt.  This also helps them to organise their revision time.

Year 10 is divided into seven units, each comprising of two chapters of related topics.  At the end of each unit, they sit an End of Unit Assessment to practice their Exam Technique and highlight any areas.  Year 11 work through five units also comprising of two chapters that build on their knowledge from Year 10 and also sit End of Unit Assessments.   The final unit is dedicated to exam preparation, gap analysis and revision time so students are confident in their knowledge and understanding and ready for their final exam.

Please have a look at the 'Big Picture' links below for more details for each year group.