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Stewards Academy

About Stewards

Year 8

All pupils will undertake mock exams, also known as PPEs, during the academic year. Year 8 will have these once during the academic year - dates below.

The exams are an excellent opportunity to prepare pupils for being in the exam hall and working under timed conditions.


Examination Rules

  1. There is to be SILENCE as soon as you enter the exam room. You must not communicate with or disturb other candidates once you are in the exam room.  
  2. You will be told where to sit this is not open to debate or discussion.
  3. You MUST NOT take into the exam room:
  • Coats and bags (Leave them in your locker).
  • Notes
  • Mobile phones, watches, headphones or other electronic items.


  1.  MUST write clearly in Black ink. You are not allowed to use erasable pens, gel pens, highlighters, correcting pens, fluid or tape in your answers.

  2. Your writing equipment must be placed in a SEE-THROUGH PLASTIC BAG OR PENCIL CASE.

(You are advised to have 2 pens, 2 pencils, ruler, rubber and sharpener)

  1. Water in a see-through bottle without a label may be taken into the exam room.
  2. Read carefully the instructions on the question paper and write your answers in the space provided. Put a neat line through mistakes or anything that you do not want to be marked. Do not doodle on your exam paper.
  3. Before an exam line up in the quad in tutor groups. If you have an exam period 1 go to Morning Prep for a quick register then go with your tutor to the quad.