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Stewards Academy

School Council and Student Leadership Team

We have a very special team of young people at Stewards Academy who make up our School Council and Student Leadership Team. This is a longstanding council, which comprises over hundred pupils from years 8 to 11.

Each year a considerable number of children put their names forward for election to our School Council in a democratic process which is familiar to everyone. Pupils in years 7 to 9 propose themselves for the School Council through completion of an application form. They then speak to their tutor groups before having a tutor group vote. Each tutor group in years 8-10 is represented by two members. All remaining candidates go forward to a year group vote in assembly. All votes are then counted and the remaining places for each year group are filled. 

Year 10 pupils that successfully complete an application and interview process form the Year 11 Student Leadership Team. This comprises of Senior Prefects, Heads of School Council, Heads of EMPV, Heads of Charity team, Heads of House, and is led by the Head Boy, Head Girl and deputies. The core Student Leadership Team meets weekly and prepares for the sessions they will lead during the week. The extended Student Leadership Team that includes Prefects and Subject Ambassadors meets once a half term. 

The School Council and Student Leadership Team have regular meetings with Mrs da Vighi, Assistant Headteacher once a half term to discuss relevant issues and feed back their views. A team of Year 11s also meet at key points in the year to discuss the nominations for the Jack Petchey Award Scheme. Mr King, Head of Humanities and Mrs Sherwood, Assistant Headteacher will be overseeing these meetings until September 2021.

Visitors regularly come along to meet members of the School Council and they are well known for their active role in the life of the school and their articulate views on school life. The most recent IQM assessment commented on the significant role of Pupil Voice in the Academy.